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The MasterPlan (3 months access) Rent Bundle (10 videos) The MasterPlan (3 months access)

We summarize the critical skills and strategies we developed for our most successful executive coaching clients and give you a blueprint to significantly alter your career.

How did we train Andrew to go from senior manager to senior equity partner in 3 years?

How did we build a multi-million dollar luxury brands business for Tatiana in 2 years? How are we trying to do the same for Richard’s electric car startup?

How did we help Fei outperform her peers at a major PE firm? How did I coach CEOs of multi-billion dollar companies? How do we simultaneously manage so many studies to such high quality of insights? Why do we take on such punishing work?

In the span of 2 years we have co-founded an electric car start in China (targeting a production date of late 2020 to early 2021), a cosmeceuticals start-up in California, a luxury brands business in Europe and co-own a precious metals mine. We may soon launch an insurance business in Central Asia. These ventures are core to our mission of teaching business strategy in a compelling manner. Because we meticulously track the development, tactics, strategies, meetings, finances and trials and tribulations of every single business, to produce detailed training programs.

I get asked this question a lot: How do we achieve so much and to such high levels of quality while remaining so energized? This program answers these questions. We will help you build your master plan. We design this program to completely reinvent and revive your career. This is a program about doing big things. Things that you would not believe were possible.

We have condensed all the key lessons from our most popular programs and, based on member feedback, provide more advanced tools and techniques. We have done the thinking for you so you do not need to spend hours reading and researching.

Productivity is not about how much you can do to a high level of quality. That is a myth that harms your career. To be successful in life you should not build a career around your competitive advantages in life. That will lead to poverty. Planning is a myth. Too much planning will literally paralyze you. Too much education will paralyze you.

You need to know when is enough and move forward.

You do not need a fancy degree, or any degree, to be successful in business. You do not need a degree to follow this program. You just need to be in a career or pursuing an idea. Success comes from doing a few things consistently well.

Tatiana had a Wharton MBA and struggled to get her business moving until we completely changed the way she managed herself, then her team and finally her business. This program will be hard but if you stick to it your results should be no different from that of the clients above.

This program explains how we keep our performance high and how we help clients keep their performance high, and it is based on me having personally advised CEOs of multi-billion dollar companies from the time I was just 25 years of age. I was the only associate at the firm with whom a major client CEO wanted to work with directly. How do I accomplish what I do?

How do I personally develop myself? What do I read? How do I read? How do I manage competing priorities? How do I know when a goal is worthy? What do I eat? How do I exercise? How do I set goals? How do I prioritize? How do I internally motivate myself and my team? How do I implement complex targets? When do I choose to lead and when do I choose to be led?

How do I communicate? How do I keep my energy levels up and that of my team? How do I prevent fatigue from slowing me down? How do I raise the level of performance when it is needed most? How do I keep my body operating at peak performance levels to support my punishing work schedule?

I use a few Apps, almost no technology beyond email and still accomplish much while watching almost 3 hours of television a day, sleeping 9/10 hours and generally being far less stressful than one would think.

Maintaining a high level of performance is NOT about simply having the problem-solving skills of a McKinsey, BCG et al partner. It is about MORE than communication and leadership skills. If you want to operate at our level, and the level of our most successful executive clients like Andrew, Richard, Fei, Chetan and Tatiana, and CEO clients, then you should follow this program.

It will literally change your life.

https://www.flickr.com/photos/guitavares/5855049728/https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/Image from Guilherme Tavares under cc, cropped, added text.

Terms and conditions apply.

Total (including taxes)
USD $397.00  for 3 month rental
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