The Type Of Materials That Consulting Firms Never Share, Never Want to Teach Their Clients, and Guard with Their Lives.
Enroll for the Strategy Control Room membership and gain access to and private knowledge management system. >$500M value created. $200M value reported by a single client in one year by using the blueprint in the operations strategy study.
This is not duplicate of the ppt. used to produce the videos. It contains much more. We have used the same files in our consulting studies, winning >$1 million consulting proposals and client workshops. Access bestselling books, including those no longer available to the public, advanced strategy books never before available for purchase, flipcharts used for client relationship building and project workshops, private strategic planning documents, and consulting skills training programs on
The type of content we produce cannot be found anywhere else accessible to the public. Unrivaled and curated.
The reason we call our knowledge management system the Strategy Control Room is that it allows you to have a place where you can go in and gain access to superior IP that can help you not only set apart your deliverables, not only gain an edge over your internal and external competitors, but access materials that can become an intelligence that powers the growth of your unit, practice, team, or even of your entire organization.
Imagine a control room with access to information your internal and external competitors dream of having. You go in, you pull relevant advanced IP, you see what you can integrate into your work today, and you integrate on the fly. Rinse and repeat. Do this at least one time a week and it can set you on a very different career trajectory.
Note: Our 39 books below include best-sellers and university-prescribed textbooks. As of today, they are only available to subscribers of the Strategy Control Room Advanced.
What is it worth to you?
To see best practice. To see a full solution.
To see how others did it. To not fly blind.
Our KMS is used in over 150 countries across every industry type, including consulting partners, senior executives and government officials.
$200M value reported by a single client in one year by using the blueprint in the operations strategy study.
We have curated and completed full studies showing the trade-offs, analyses and full solutions to a problem.
It's like having a secret,
unfair advantage.
You know it's valuable. It’s not something you can search on Google. It’s not available in any book, journal or report. These documents cannot be found in any other place in the world.
What is the FIRMSconsulting Advanced Knowledge Management System?
This is a service for business leaders who understand the significant value that comes from reading what other companies in similar circumstances have done. They understand that innovation comes from adopting best practices from outside a sector. Leaders are not siloed thinkers. They make time to learn from other sectors and bring in new ideas to disrupt their sector. For the annual package and SCR Advanced:
All slides from videos
All slides from content not on
All books on Amazon
Books not on Amazon
Book drafts that may never be available to the public
Study analyses powerpoint decks from
Study analyses powerpoint decks not on
Consulting proposals for >$1MM fee engagements
Frameworks and methodologies
Layout guides
The Consulting Offer 2 case interview solutions
How does it work?
This membership is for leaders who understand the value of being able to read and understand how peer companies have tackled difficult problems.
Imagine the value of being able to understand the complete analyses and processes a company used to respond to attacking competitors?
Imagine being able to see the proposal that led to a series of multi-million dollar consulting studies? What would be the impact on your career if you could use our proposals to do the same?
Everything is archived online in one place.
May I see what is included?
You can view materials included per level in the above Excel document. It is updated each month as more files are released.
What does each proposal contain?
Leading consulting firms can, and usually do, produce simpler proposals. The brand recognition of the firm typically leads to the sale, not because the proposal is unique. Our proposals are different because we have many boutique firm clients who need proposals with distinctive methodologies to differentiate themselves from larger firms. Therefore, where possible, our proposals contain:
A distinctive approach/methodology
Where possible, suggested pricing/resourcing based on a premium practice in the US
Can I invite my team to use the Strategy Control Room?
This is an individual membership. Sharing memberships is against our terms of service. However, team memberships can be arranged at a special team pricing upon request. Please contact for more information.
How do I get reimbursed by my employer?
In most countries, subscriptions to any of our programs and memberships are tax-deductible since they can be classified as a training/career placement/search expense.
Download this sample reimbursement request and make the necessary changes. Most large organizations, and many smaller ones, will reimburse tuition for professional development.
Flexible pricing for your needs
per month
Read-only access to introductory contents of our internal strategy control room. Full access maybe claimed via email when the 7th consecutive month of membership begins.
Select Plan
per month
Read-only full access to all contents of our internal strategy control room.
Select Plan
per annum
Read-only full access to all contents of our internal strategy control room.
Select Plan
Do you also want detailed video and audio explanations for some of the studies in the Strategy Control Room?
Become a Legacy or Insider member and gain access to our video and audio training programs with over 6000 episodes along with 2x a month Legacy members mentoring calls (Legacy members only) and special access to advanced programs. We will teach you things no one else teaches anywhere in the world, so you can get outsized results.
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