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February 02

Ten Lessons from Creative Destruction

Hope your weekend is going well. Many of you know that I also run, which, to my knowledge, the largest and most powerful strategy, problem-solving, critical thinking, case interviews, consulting practice building, and leadership video training platform worldwide. I work with very talented colleagues, and one of my colleagues was also impacted by fire and shared what he learned from the experience. I will include the letter he sent to the Strategy Insights community below so you can also benefit from these lessons. Below is an email he sent.


The California wildfires were a traumatic and shocking event. Though they tried, the media could never quite capture living through it. Many events stand out, but three will forever be etched in my memory. 

First, a neighbor stayed overnight and recorded the unfolding events over the first 24 hours. From the first reports of the brushfire to the now raging fire slowly coming over the hills, the embers flying at 100 mph, burning palm trees, and the eerie calm the next morning. Yet, it was not a true calm. In slow motion, he captures early morning footage of him tracking a fire burning closer and closer to his house, as he frantically runs around looking for the firemen. He wanted to clean out his neighbor's brush to prevent the fire from jumping from house to house. He seemed to succeed...until his house started to smoke and burn down in front of him. The look on his face cannot be described. I know every family in every home he shot; their kids, wives, and pets.

Second, my landscaper captured footage of those fleeing the fire as it engulfed cars, palm trees along the road, and a huge fireball jumping over a sports car with its top down. Then he zooms onto a mother I know getting out of her car and dragging her four-year-old child who is crying, screaming, and barefoot in one hand while pulling the leashed dog with her other hand.

Third, less than forty-eight hours after the fires, I found a way to drive back to my home. I was one of the first people to go back to that neighborhood. It was smoky and quiet. It looked like the war zones you see on CNN. That is when people still watched CNN. Homes were still burning when I returned. A few people were walking around. It exactly, and I mean perfectly resembled a Hollywood dystopian post-apocalyptic movie. 

From a young age, I knew that bad things happen, there will be little to no support, it's life and you need to advance. When I was in high school and most children were preparing for their exams, I co-led the student efforts of a social movement to topple a dictatorship. I spent little time in class and most of my time managing civil disobedience campaigns. Having spent most of my school years reading Time Magazine and The Economist, to me, fighting for what was right was normal. Not a single member of my family, community, etc supported me. They felt that fighting to gain equal rights was dangerous. If we failed, we would lose the very few rights we had. 

I was in Thailand after the devastating tsunami. I focused on helping people I knew move forward and find opportunities to grow and advance their economy. I saw the opportunity from the devastation. Though it's for another post, I once drove from the southern devastation to the north near the border with Laos to secure the rights for a group of bulls to serve as collateral to pay for a new home in the south.

I was in Chile during the devastating 2010 earthquake. I helped the guests in my hotel coordinate their evacuation and was one of the last people to leave the hotel. My harrowing trip over the Andes from Chile to Argentina is for a different post. Between being detained at the Chilean-Argentinian border for not willing to pay a bribe and the horror of traveling in a packed bus on unpaved mountain roads with no lights and 1,000-meter drops, it was not for the faint of heart. I did it and I was back to work within 24 hours.

In my first attempted carjacking, I returned to work the same day despite being held at gunpoint. I was back in my office and working within two hours. I have many stories like this. I was also, what it felt like, the lone foreigner in the middle of one of the deadliest riots in Asia. Everyone had evacuated and I was in the middle of the street with the rival factions advancing towards me on either side. 

I have been very fortunate to have grown up in a world where I simultaneously had very little support and faced trying circumstances from a young age. I am thankful for that. I am grateful to the many people who
did not help me, did not support me, and did not reach out to me. I am not being facetious. Without them, I would not be equipped to deal with things like this. I would not be the person I am today. That's the first lesson. A tough life is a privilege if you give it the meaning of it having prepared you to lead in all circumstances.

second lesson is to avoid excessive planning. I discuss this in detail during our new Insider program, "The Annual". You can plan as much as you want. Yet, I can assure you that society, your family (especially your inlaws), and Mother Nature throw you curve balls. You have to be like Neo in The Matrix to bend around them, but, and this is the key part, study each curveball and pick out the one that can be reinvented to be a great opportunity for you. I also discuss this in "The Annual". For example, when I was preparing for university, my family did not support me, and refused to pay for me, and I did not want an academic scholarship since those scholarships never covered all costs. That became one of the best things that ever happened to me. That curve ball, which I selected from all the curve balls flying around me, led to me reinventing my life.

third lesson is counterintuitive. When friends were in tears and breaking down during the fires, all I could do was look at them and admire that they were so fortunate in life that they could break down. It truly is a great privilege to be in so much pain that you cannot even work. They could take a posture of being vulnerable and letting down their defenses. They knew they had people in their lives who would step in to protect them and their families when their defenses were down. They are Simba's of the world, from The Lion King. Simba was willing to take risks and go on adventures because Mufasa loved him so much that Simba knew he was protected. When Simba was hiding from Wildebeests, he knew Mufasa would come for him. He did not know how, but he was raised with this belief. In life, there are the protected and the protectors. The protected have the unique gift of having the opportunity to grieve, heal, and rebuild on their terms because they have a protector. For the protectors, we must be the cavalry for whom we are waiting. Reinforcements are not coming. 

Who stands by you? That is the fourth lesson. Life is easy when it is easy. Life is nice when it is nice. I watch many reality shows and in the few dating shows I watch, contestants almost always want someone educated, well-off, good-looking, adventurous, generous, funny, etc. Anyone can buy you nice gifts, be happy, be nice, and be a fun person when life is nice. Yet, life is never nice all of the time, let alone most of the time. The most important thing in life is to be present. Be there. Be there all the time. You don't have to be the best father. You need to be in your child's life and be a father. The people who stand by you are serious. They help you by being there. They have committed and are committing each day they stand by you. That is a daily renewal of vows, for couples, versus a once-off staged renewal of vows on the beach.

I was surprised about the deductible discussions by my neighbors. That is the
fifth lesson. Essentially it went like this. "I was shocked to learn my insurer would only forward me any money after I had incurred $500,000 of damages. That is my deductible and is it fair?" This was common. If you dig in closer you realize in most, though not all cases, the husband was managing the finances. During the fire, the husband focused on work to generate income and handed the insurance claims process to their unprepared wives. This is unfair and is a bad strategy. The best person to handle a critical issue should manage it, albeit by pulling in help from the family as needed. Managing the claims for multi-million dollar homes is not a small issue. For critical life-changing tasks, the best person must lead and it should be the person who has always been managing the task.

During crises, we often adopt a survival mindset and hope and pray for something good to happen. We take something or anything versus what we paid for. We often are the victims of bad actors, or good actors who take advantage of the situation to become a bad actor. This is the
sixth lesson. Most of us have the primary aim of surviving a crisis. We think it is better to get 60% of a contract we signed, versus nothing. We become defensive and fight off scams. I follow a strategy of deterrence. This is different. When bad things happen I quickly and calmly signal to those involved that there will be significant immediate reactionary consequences in trying to take advantage of us, my family, my team, and my colleagues. I calmly spell out the consequences in clear terms and explain the first steps I will take. Being in the middle of a crisis is bad enough. Dealing with opportunistic and strategic scam artists is overwhelming. See them off before they begin.

I have a friend who has a home in the hurricane capital of the world. He complains about the need to evacuate at least two times a year due to hurricanes. It's hard to sympathize with someone who knowingly and willingly built a home in the hurricane capital of the world and is sad that Mother Nature does not support his retirement plans. Mother Nature can be a caregiver but she can also be a hell-raiser. She can be a force of creative destruction. She breaks things to make it better. This is the
seventh lesson. If you live in a place with a history of snow storms, expect to wear Canada Goose. If you choose to live in a place with a history of hurricanes, do not be surprised by them. If your spouse was unfaithful to all their previous partners, well...

Don't follow the wisdom of the crowds.
This is lesson eight. Crowds are not wise. They may agree. They may agree vigorously. They may be large and loud. Yet, they are not wise. Doing what the majority is doing often will not lead to the best outcome. Every single great investor was a contrarian. Business strategy is about being a contrarian. Corporate strategy is about being a contrarian. It's about pursuing a contrarian idea that is true OVER time. The nasty bit is sticking to your contrarian plan over what may be a long time. The money you invest in your 401(k) and Roth IRA is an investment. So is the money you invest in yourself, your family, and your home. When you follow the crowd in a crisis you will get the returns of the crowd, which are often losses. As humans, we want, in a crisis, to do anything to show we are doing something and we want comfort in what we do. And we gain comfort from following a crowd, even if the crowd is uninformed and wasting their money. I have never done what the crowd did. It usually works out far better than I expected.

Lesson nine is that people gamble. And they do it in astonishing ways. Not willing to fully insure your home for its full value is a remarkable gamble. So many people did this. That is bold confidence, recklessness, or uninformed optimism. Are they not all the same thing? Mother Nature is not going to give you any special treatment. She is a great mother who treats all her children with the same level of destruction. If you read about most great business successes, and if you look into it carefully, there is a gamble that someone took. We then laud these people and try to replicate their strategy. How do I replicate a gamble? By its mere definition, it means I am doing something where I could lose everything. In life, you should be trying to reduce the number of gambles you take, unless you have such a high-risk tolerance that sleeping on a friend's couch and eating ramen noodles for years looks mighty appealing.

In military strategy, we want to see our opponents fight someone a few times
before they fight us. We often secretly lead them into a conflict against someone else. We do this because we want to see how they fight others, how they could fight us, their relative strengths, and their relative weaknesses. And if we are lucky, their armies are destroyed before they fight us. This is the tenth lesson. Watch what happens in a crisis. Any crisis. It is a rare and important opporunity. Study everything. It provides a blueprint for what you can expect/do later in your life. If not a single friend/colleague/family helped, then you know what to expect/do in the next crisis. How did the emergency services respond? How long did it take you to run out of cash? Who helped you and who helped you first? Who made your life harder? What opportunities exist for you to advance? If you are not advancing, you are retreating.

This is the United States of America. Like the Mandalorians, we are a creed. A belief system. I chose that picture above because when America burns, our belief system stands through it all as our shining beacon. You cannot destroy a belief system.

The British burned Washington in 1814. We stormed back to become a superpower in a few decades.

The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor hoping to send us a decisive message to stay out of the way. Being the poor listeners that we are, we stormed back to lead the Allied victory in WWII.

San Francisco was hit with a dual earthquake and fire in 1906. It gave birth to Silicon Valley.

LA was hit by one of the worst firestorms ever. It gave birth to... 

Creative destruction may be unpleasant. Yet, it happens.

Live long and prosper,


P.S. 2025 is shaping up to be a game-changing year. We’re rolling out a wave of new programs and resources across SCRA, Insider, Legacy, Coaching, AI, and more. If there’s something you’d love to see us cover or release, or Michael & Kris to cover in their weekly emails, let us know at We told you that big things are coming, and this is just the beginning.

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February 04

Reimagine Your Career, Before It’s Too Late

What if your goal is completely wrong?

If you achieved your goal tomorrow, would your life be significantly better? Or just
 slightly more tolerable?

Most people don’t have a career strategy. They have a survival plan. They work hard because that’s what they were taught. But have they ever stopped to ask if the end result is actually worth it?

You’ve done everything right. The best schools. The right job. The long hours. The sacrifices.

And yet, here you are. Wondering if this is it.

Most people don’t realize they’re on a treadmill until it’s too late. They spend their best years chasing a goal that was never truly theirs, following a path that guarantees struggle, stress, and, at best, a life that feels
 just okay.

But what if your goal, the thing you’ve built your entire career around, is almost certainly wrong?

[The Stakes]

Look around.

Brilliant, hardworking executives are stuck in careers they don’t love, trapped by the weight of expectations, financial burdens, and obligations they never fully questioned. They work for money because they have to, not because they want to.

They’re deep into a strategy they never designed, chasing a version of success that, in the end, costs them everything: time, freedom, and fulfillment.

"Obligations may be the highest interest rate you will ever pay in your life."

We don’t talk enough about the cost of success. Not just financial, but emotional. The sacrifices you make in high school, university, and early career are not just your sacrifices. Your family, your time, your freedom, they all get entangled in a system that demands everything from you.

And for what?

A job that pays well but feels like a life sentence?

And here’s the worst part: they followed all the “right” advice.

They took the same steps as everyone else. Worked harder than most. And still, something feels off.

[Why It’s So Hard]

The system is designed to keep you moving forward without ever asking:

Is this the right path, or just the common one?

Am I optimizing for success or for struggle?

Is this even the right definition of winning?

"Everyone is following the same critical path, but it leads to the same struggles."

Executives and high achievers take pride in outworking everyone else, but what if effort alone isn't the answer? If you're following a broken model, working harder won’t fix it. You need to rethink the game itself.

Most people never ask these questions until they’ve already locked themselves into a career they no longer enjoy, tied themselves to financial obligations they can’t escape, and built a life they now have to sustain, whether they want to or not.

But there is another way.

[The Solution Exists]

"I re-engineered one step in the process, and it changed everything."

Most people assume their choices are limited, but what if one decision could change the entire trajectory of your career? What if you re-engineered a single step in your path? The difference between stress and freedom could be just one move away.

In our brand-new 1-Year Leadership Training program available to Insiders and Legacy members, we break down how high-achievers unknowingly trap themselves, and more importantly, how to rewrite the rules.

We’re not talking about motivational fluff. No vague “find your purpose”.

This is about strategy. A different way of thinking. A re-engineered path that changes everything.

For the first time, we’re opening up this program to our Insider and Legacy members, and if you’re serious about rethinking your trajectory, you need to be a part of this program from the start.

"The right goal is often the wrong goal if you don’t know how to achieve it differently."

Most professionals don’t lack ambition. They lack the right strategy. The reason most executives feel stuck isn’t because they aren’t trying hard enough. It’s because they’ve never seen an alternative approach that actually works. This program changes that.

But be warned: this may challenge some critical things you believe about success. 

Join us.

Enroll Now and Access the Program (select Insider or Legacy)


If you're an Insider or Legacy member, this program is now available in your account on

Not a member yet? Enroll here: (scroll to membership options).

We care about your success and are here to support you. Feel free to reach out with questions at

Thank you for being part of the StrategyTraining community.

Access the First 2 Episodes of The Annual (Insider & Legacy Members)

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December 15, 2024

The Family Didn’t Trust Each Other, Let Alone the Buyer.

Every Move Felt Like Navigating a Minefield.

Building an electric car start-up: 9 new episodes

Building an electric car start-up is not for the faint of heart. Picture standing at the edge of an industry known for brutal competition, staggering costs, and relentless innovation. Then imagine stepping into it, not as a seasoned automaker but as an outsider. No connections. No experiences. No decades of industry knowledge.

This is exactly where Richard, a former MBB consultant and Case Coaching Alum, found himself. And he came to us to see if we would join forces with him in pursuing this goal.

We did. And we’ve captured every single step of this audacious journey for you.

Nine new episodes (within Part 3) of the 
Building an Electric Car Start-Up program were just released. The stakes are high; the challenges are insurmountable for most. To move this venture forward, an uncommon level of problem-solving and business strategy thinking is required.

The Stakes:

Electric vehicles may very well represent the future of transportation, but they also embody some of the toughest questions in business:

  • How do you build a brand from scratch in a field dominated by giants like Tesla?

  • Can you align groundbreaking technology with mass-market appeal?

  • What’s the path from an idea to a product that not only works in the short term but works in a sustainable way?

For Richard and us, co-building this business together, these are not abstract questions. They are existential ones.

The Challenges:

At every step, the obstacles are monumental. But in this particular part of the program, we will zoom in on roadblocks we had to deal with when we got to a point where we already raised 20 million dollars, decided to acquire an auto manufacturer, found a suitable acquisition target, and commenced negotiations. The key challenges we faced at this step of the journey included:

  1. A Fragmented Family Business:
    The acquisition process began with the intent to secure a struggling, family-run automotive company, a business mired in disputes, poor record-keeping, and mismanagement. Every family member wanted a piece of the pie, and some actively sabotaged operations to get their way. Suppliers were alienated. Production lines stalled. Relationships fractured.

  2. Negotiating with Ghosts:
    Stakeholders emerged from every corner: stepchildren, estranged cousins, even family members the owner hadn’t spoken to in years. Each one with demands, grudges, and strategies to tilt the deal in their favor.

  3. When Dysfunction Meets Logistics:
    Procurement staff retaliated by halting essential orders. Suppliers, burned by the chaos, reallocated their production capacity to competitors. For a business that focused on creating customized high-end cars, a single missed shipment meant months, or even years, of setbacks.

  4. Auditors That Miss the Mark:
    Adding insult to injury, the audit process was a disaster. Despite working with a reputable firm, the auditors team missed critical gaps in financial records and commingling of assets. A lack of basic checks plagued the due diligence. It felt like navigating a ship with no map, no compass, and holes in the hull.

Were we able to persevere?

Become the smartest and most influential person in the room with the StrategyTraining app. In today’s fiercely competitive world, you either grow or risk irrelevance. Designed for busy business professionals, our app and website delivers thousands of transformational episodes from ex-McKinsey, BCG, and banking leaders, with new training added weekly. Our programs are known for delivering uncommon and battle-tested insights and approaches. But we take it a step further. We teach you how you can develop such insights and approaches yourself, given your unique situation. Whether you’re commuting, traveling, between meetings or working out, turn your downtime into valuable self-investment with meaningful ROI. Stay ahead by learning the skills few in the world possess. The StrategyTraining app can help you stand out, stay relevant, and become indispensable. Enroll as an Insider and download the app today.

Why This Matters:

Most of us won’t launch an electric car company, but we all face challenges that test our resolve, ingenuity, and endurance. This program is not really about the auto industry. It’s about creative problem-solving, leadership, and strategy distilled from the frontlines of one of the most complex start-up journeys you could imagine.

Through these nine new episodes, you’ll gain:

  • An unfiltered look at decision-making under pressure.

  • A stronger ability to think like a strategy partner, no matter your field.

  • Lessons that go beyond theory to show you the reality of implementation.

What’s at Stake for You?

Here’s the truth: watching this program can change how you see business. And it can change how you think about business.

Do you have the mental discipline to navigate uncertain waters? To see opportunity where others see only problems? To not give up where most people would. 

This is an invitation to challenge yourself.

Let’s face it: success isn’t handed to you and me. If it was, everyone would be successful.

It’s built one decision at a time. For example, a decision to invest in building the type of rare skills we teach on

Giving timestamps for 9 episodes will make this email way too long. So here are timestamps just for the last episode released so far (episode 25) to give you a taste of what is in store for you:

- Leveraging relationships with the owner (Episode 25, 0:40)
- Challenging family dynamics (Episode 25, 02:00)
- Classic torturous issue family businesses face (Episode 25, 04:30)
- Creating a family committee (Episode 25, 06:20)
- M&A discussions led to production problems (Episode 25, 06:56)
- The scabbles didn't end there (Episode 25, 07:49)
- How the family tried to sabotage the deal (Episode 25, 08:50)
- What sabotage of the deal efforts by the family members allowed us to do (Episode 25, 10:05)
- Family members taking steps to destroy the business (Episode 25, 11:00)
- Unique situation where shareholders have operating roles as well (Episode 25, 11:30)
- Dealing with accounting issues and liabilities (Episode 25, 13:00)
- Poor performance of the audit team (Episode 25, 14:30)

Get Started

If you are a member, access the new 9 episodes here or click the button below.

Building an Electric Car Start-Up (Insiders & Legacy Members)

Want Personalized Help?

In addition to the powerful programs, there is also executive coaching program for more senior clients within our community, where you can work personally with Michael and me as you are pursuing your goal. This allows you to receive our mentorship and coaching as you develop your critical path and execute along the critical path. 

I often hear from members of the FC community that they did not apply for executive coaching with us because they are not as successful as some of our clients. I personally encourage you to apply. If you know my story and if you know us, it will not be a surprise to you that what we are looking for when selecting clients is not your level of success but the kind of person you are and what your intentions are as it relates to using the power and influence once you get it.

If you take a look at our 1-year long executive coaching program, where we work very closely with each client (1:1 in very small groups) as we progress from week to week towards particular goals, every client within a 1-year program is a prior coaching client. And some of those clients started with us while at university and we had the honor of being their guide throughout their entire career journey. Email to apply.

And to access our online video and audio training programs enroll below (scroll down to membership options and select Insider or Legacy).

As the year draws to a close, it’s the perfect time to pause and reflect on your progress. Are you where you envisioned yourself? If not, it may be time to recalibrate for the year ahead. Persisting with the same strategies while expecting different outcomes rarely leads to meaningful change.

At, we provide comprehensive training and expert guidance to accelerate your personal and professional growth, helping you realize your potential far beyond what can be achieved without our help.

- Our Strategy Control Room (Advanced) resources with premium books, studies, proposals and centers of excellence (our giant reading library) is a powerful reference and reading library.
- Our expansive library of video and audio training focuses on teaching you in-depth the kind of skills very few people in the world have.
- Our Strategy & Consulting AI system is trained on proprietary data and gives you quick outputs to speed up your decision-making and work.
- Our executive coaching program for selected clients is an opportunity to work closely with Michael and me as you are working towards your goal.

All these products and programs work together to equip you with the resources and support to design a transformative and cohesive plan for your career and life, and execute it effectively.

Our structured approach enhances your decision-making, uncovers and amplifies your unique strengths, helps you build a unique set of skills that almost no one has, and delivers the clarity needed to identify opportunities and tackle challenges with confidence. These resources are a blueprint for achieving outcomes that would be difficult, if not impossible, to accomplish without working with us.

The upcoming year holds tremendous potential, but realizing that potential requires deliberate action and expert guidance. Our products and programs are designed to guide your transformation, but the first step starts with you.

Take this opportunity to invest in your future. If you have questions or need assistance, we’re here to help. Reach out anytime at Let’s make the year ahead your most impactful yet.

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December 02, 2024

The Bright Glare Of Powerful People And Industry Giants Is A Double-Edged Sword. They Reward Results...

But Have Little Patience
For Anything Less

We just released a full new Insider program (a 3-part program)...

33-Page Workbook: This program also comes with a powerful 33-page downloadable workbook. You will see it as a downloadable document on the program page the way you can access workbooks for Innovators vs. Summarizers and Overcome the Fear of Failure. I highly recommend you download and print the workbook and use it as you work through the program. You will get even more value out of the program this way. Our workbooks also go deeper into certain areas covered in the program, so you will be missing out if you don't go through them.

Now let me share more details about this new 3-part Insider program (the full program was just released for Insiders): 

What would you do if you held the keys to a media asset so compelling that it caught the attention of the world’s most influential figures?

Imagine your creation, something with the quality of HBO and the reach of the biggest streaming giants, generating tens of millions of views and being celebrated on social media by the likes of Elon Musk.

Sounds like a dream, right?

But here’s the catch:

Each episode costs $100,000 to produce.

The business is teetering on the edge of profitability, and the ever-present shadow of AI looms over the industry, threatening to drive the value of content-only businesses way down.

Add to this the uncertainty of whether these views were sparked by grassroots admiration or the fleeting endorsement of a few powerful voices.

The question our client asked cuts straight to the heart of the matter:

What are the non-obvious ways to turn these assets and relationships into a sustainable business?

The stakes are high:

  1. Trust is Fragile
    Trust with notable public figures and collaborators hangs by a thread. Without contracts locking in support, even the most promising relationships can vanish overnight.

  2. A Limited Financial Runway
    How long can you sustain $100,000 per episode without significant revenue? Every dollar spent raises the stakes higher, and the clock is ticking.

  3. AI and the Content Apocalypse
    Can you ensure your creations remain valuable, or will they become just another casualty in a rapidly evolving digital landscape?

  4. The Weight of Partnership
    Even with a trusted co-producer who has a proven track record in linear TV, differing goals and expectations could derail progress. Success in one medium doesn’t guarantee success in another.

The challenges are relentless:

  • Are you willing to bet on a business model that hasn’t proven itself?

  • How do you secure relationships built on trust when the promises aren’t written in ink?

  • Can you handle the relentless scrutiny of powerful partners who expect results, not excuses?

The cost of failure?

It’s not just financial.

It’s reputational.


The bright glare of powerful people and industry giants
is a double-edged sword. They reward results
but have little patience for anything less.

Our client stands at a pivotal moment. Does he double down, risking it all to find the one non-obvious play that turns potential into profit? Or does he try to pivot, attempting to leverage trust, relationships, and proven ability to create value to seize a completely different kind of opportunity?

The answer lies in the choices he makes now.

The contracts he negotiates, the risks he takes, and the relationships he builds will determine whether this is a fleeting story of what might have been or the beginning of a successful media business that stands the test of time.

This is the kind of story you can’t help but follow. The stakes are personal, the risks are enormous, and the outcomes are uncertain.

And yet, if the client is willing to reflect deeply, adapt boldly, and act decisively, the rewards could be extraordinary.

Here are some time stamps as you work through the program to help you not miss important points: 

  • What is often more important than an answer to your question? (01:00, Ep 1)

  • Client's question (02:00, Ep 1)

  • Dissecting the question. This is an example that will allow you to read important information more thoughtfully and critically (03:37, Ep 1)

  • Identifying hidden risks (05:58, Ep 1)

  • Key questions to ask when dissecting information (07:00, Ep 1)

  • The biggest red flag (10:30, Ep 1)

  • The first rule of investing (11:52, Ep 1)

  • Important things to consider when evaluating a partner's experience/expertise (14:15, Ep 1)

  • Revenue and profit considerations (16:00, Ep 1)

  • Hidden costs (17:25, Ep 1)

  • The future of content businesses (18:05, Ep 1)

  • The starting point in interrogating this opportunity, analyzing it further, and looking for non-traditional ways to create value (00:15, Ep 2)

  • What you should consider to help you determine how far you want to go with this (01:15, Ep 2)

  • The sense of purpose will change (02:35, Ep 2)

  • The starting point (03:10, Ep 2)

  • What you need to understand about your business partner (04:00, Ep 2)

  • Choosing a business model (05:16, Ep 2)

  • Degrees of freedom (07:50, Ep 2)

  • What sets us apart at FC that you can apply and should apply in your life and career (11:05, Ep 2)

  • Not being inquisitive (00:30, Ep 3)

  • What you need to know when working with powerful people (02:17, Ep 3)

  • Angles you can take (02:38, Ep 3)

  • What powerful people look for (03:25, Ep 3)

  • Remuneration (04:30, Ep 3)

  • An important thing to think about (04:55, Ep 3)

  • The question to ask (05:45, Ep 3)

  • Contracts (06:11, Ep 3)

  • Important considerations related to relationships with powerful people (06:46, Ep 3)

  • A bone melting glare (08:00, Ep 3)

  • What happens when powerful people trust you (08:36, Ep 3)

  • A way forward (09:10, Ep 3)

  • How owners of the business evaluate you (10:10, Ep 3)

  • Playing sports with powerful people story and the crucial lesson here (11:00, Ep 3)

  • What creation of value depends on (14:00, Ep 3)

  • It always comes back to this one thing (15:25, Ep 3)

  • How to draw different insights from this program (16:00, Ep 3)


If you're an Insider member, this program is now available in your account on

Not a member yet? Enroll here: (scroll to membership options and select Insider or Legacy level to immediately access this program).

Not ready to join as an Insider or Legacy member yet? But want to have 12 months access to this single program? Rent this individual program here. Use code NEW to get a special new release discount. Within 30 days of purchase, you can apply the amount spent on this individual program towards Insider annual membership, which will unlock the entire Insider library on and Strategy Training apps (email within 30 days of purchase of this single program if you want to take advantage of this opportunity).

We care about your success and are here to support you. Feel free to reach out with questions at

Thank you for being a part of the community.

Access New Program (Insider Members)

  in  đŸ”¶ general
September 16, 2024

The MasterPlan Advanced: new episodes

We just released new episodes of The MasterPlan Advanced, bringing the total to 26 episodes. Over the past seven years, we have introduced three transformative programs within The MasterPlan series.

Core Programs

  • The MasterPlan (available to Insiders and Legacy members)

  • Implementing the MasterPlan (available to Insiders and Legacy members)

  • A MidLife Strategy Update (exclusive to Legacy members)

New Additions

We are now introducing two significant new additions to the MasterPlan universe:

  • The MasterPlan Advanced (for Insiders & Legacy members)

  • The MasterPlan: Next Level (members-only book exclusive to the SCR (A) members)

Disclaimer: Please note that we are not licensed financial planners or advisors. We share information based on our own experiences and the insights we've gained from working with clients all over the world. We strongly recommend consulting with qualified professionals before making any investment decisions or significant life choices.

In these new episodes, we dive into the following:
- Spouses having compatible careers (Episode 25 2:50)
- Combining having a family and managing a successful career (Episode 25 5:00)
- Building long-term relationships (Episode 25 6:15)
- Managing a personal crisis (Episode 25 7:00)
- Dealing with a demanding spouse while having a stressful career (Episode 25 9:40)
- Setting boundaries: implementing the red line (Episode 25 10:50)
- Crossing the line (Episode 25 12:25)
- Spiraling down (Episode 25 13:10)
- Facing personal ruin while managing a demanding career and being responsible for a 3-year-old child (Episode 25 14:00)
- How identities are shaped and shifted (Episode 25 15:10)
- A common mistake clients who immigrate to the US make (Episode 26 1:10)
- Something that is not really a choice (Episode 26 3:00)
- What causes identity shifts (Episode 26 4:50)
- How often identity shifts happen (Episode 26 5:30)
- When identity shift often happens for clients who immigrate from Asia to the US (Episode 26 6:00)
- Why we decided identity shift was necessary (Episode 26 9:00)
- Strategy that resulted in getting a coveted US20 million government loan (Episode 26 15:00)
- Counterintuitive things we have done to close the $20 million deal (Episode 26 21:11)

- And more

Program Distinctions

These programs serve distinct purposes, building upon each other to provide a comprehensive MasterPlan development and implementation path.

  • The MasterPlan and Implementing the MasterPlan are the foundational programs that introduce core concepts and strategies for personal and professional growth, setting the stage for further exploration and application.

  • The Midlife Strategy Update provides a detailed case study of developing and implementing The MasterPlan during midlife (around age 45).

  • The MasterPlan: Next Level is a members-only book exclusively available to the Strategy Control Room (Advanced Level) members. It significantly updates and refines the concepts from the original program, serving as a bridge to The MasterPlan Advanced. It includes robust exercises designed to baseline your life, providing a practical framework for assessing and planning your growth.

  • The MasterPlan Advanced can help you bring your MasterPlan to the next level. It is designed for those seeking a more in-depth understanding and ready to apply advanced strategies to their personal and professional lives.

The MasterPlan Program Impact and Evolution

The original MasterPlan and Implementing the MasterPlan have consistently been the most viewed programs on, receiving outstanding feedback for their transformative impact on our members' professional journeys and life strategies. A MidLife Strategy Update holds the record for the most viewed among Legacy offerings. The MasterPlan Advanced was born from the experiences Michael and I have had over the last two years while updating our own MasterPlans for the next few decades and working with executive clients through the same process.

The MasterPlan Advanced introduces powerful new concepts around investing, relationships, building a strong family unit, and more. It is a full new program being released in parallel with "The MasterPlan: Next Level" (SCR (A) members-only book).

Don't Want to Work on This Alone?

In addition to these programs, there is also The MasterPlan Acceleration executive coaching program, where you can work personally with Michael and me as you develop your MasterPlan. This allows you to receive our mentorship and coaching on each aspect of your MasterPlan, taking into account your unique set of assets, your life's purpose (including helping you figure out what your life's purpose is), and your unique situation. The program is designed to allow clients to see the opportunities and risks they may otherwise miss, and develop new powerful ways of thinking and making decisions.

I often hear from members of the FC community that they did not apply for executive coaching with us because they are not as successful as some of our clients. I personally encourage you to apply. If you know my story and if you know us, it will not be a surprise to you that what we are looking for when selecting clients is not your level of success but the kind of person you are and what your intentions are as it relates to using the power and influence once you get it.

If you take a look at our 1-year long executive coaching program, where we work very closely with each client (1:1 in very small groups) as we progress from week to week towards particular goals, each client within a 1-year program is a prior coaching client. And some of those clients started with us while at university and we had the honor of being their guide throughout their entire career journey. Apply

Get Started

If you are a member, access the new episodes here or click the button below.

The MasterPlan Advanced (Insiders & Legacy Members)

If you are joining as a new member, start with:

  • The MasterPlan 

  • Then Implementing the MasterPlan

  • A MidLife Strategy Update (if you are a Legacy member)

  • Then, The MasterPlan: Next Level (if you are a SCR (A) member)

  • And The MasterPlan Advanced to make the most of this seminal program

To access The MasterPlan Advanced, enroll below (scroll down to membership options and select Insider or Legacy).

As we approach the last 4 months of the year, it's wise to reflect on our progress and make adjustments if needed. Continuing with the same approach and expecting different results will not work. 

The MasterPlan series provides a comprehensive framework for personal and professional growth. It offers a structured approach to developing a cohesive career and life plan, refining your decision-making process, and identifying your unique strengths and advantages. By following The MasterPlan, you can gain clarity and direction, enabling you to make the most of the remaining year and beyond.

Take this opportunity to invest in yourself and your future. The MasterPlan can be transformative, but it's up to you to take action. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at

  in  đŸ”¶ general
September 24, 2024

This is how the transition to self-employment needs to happen...
With Paying Clients in Hand

Imagine this moment...

You’re flying over the Andes, en route to Santiago and beyond, when an unexpected LinkedIn message pings in. Someone found your chapter in a book you co-published with us, and they want more. They’re asking to follow your content, engage in conversation, and now, you’ve got a Zoom call scheduled for next week. This isn’t just idle chatter. This could be your first paid coaching client.

One of our clients found themselves in a situation like this. They followed the strategy we teach (leveraging their chapter), even without posting content. Suddenly, someone reached out. They hadn’t even started building an audience yet, and now, here was a real opportunity knocking.

Their mind raced: What should I ask on the call? How do I turn this conversation into something meaningful, maybe even a coaching relationship? How much should I charge in case of a coaching relationship? 

You can probably feel the excitement and the tension. This is the exact moment where your corporate knowledge, your unique expertise, and our publishing strategy converge into something powerful. You haven’t left your job yet, but opportunities are already lining up.

It’s the moment where you’re not just writing a chapter. You’re laying the groundwork for a new career, one where clients come to you, and they’re ready to pay to work with you because you have already demonstrated your expertise and the value you can deliver.

So, what happens next?

This is the precise process we’ve designed: to help you create real-world opportunities, to have those calls with prospective clients scheduled, and to not start from zero when you make the leap to self-employment. No guesswork. No ‘starting from scratch.’

Instead, you can have paying clients in hand before you even walk out the door of your current role.

We’ve done this. We’ve seen it happen time and time again. And now, it’s your turn.

In this 3 part Legacy program, we focus on signing your first client when moving to self-employment, including:

- What protects you from burnout (Episode 1, 6:00)
- Conditions that must be met before you know if you are focusing on the right market (Episode 1, 9:00)
- Being stuck in a green card process example (Episode 1, 9:30)
- Crucial criterion when selecting the market (Episode 1, 11:40)
- Dangers of intoxicating freedom and how to avoid a mistake many new business owners make (Episode 1, 13:15)
- Questions to ask yourself to determine what you should focus on (Episode 1, 17:00)
- The foundation of how to help people (Episode 2, 0:50)
- Key distinction of why people come to you (Episode 2, 2:00)
- What many mentors don't do, but they must (Episode 2, 6:30)
- A tell where you know a client is heading in the wrong direction (Episode 2, 9:50)
- The key thing to do to prevent large losses (Episode 2, 12:00)
- A formula to use with clients (Episode 2, 14:30)
- How to structure the conversation with a potential client (Episode 3, 1:30)
- The approach to use to collect the information you need to advise the client (Episode 3, 2:50)
- A powerful technique we use with clients to get the data needed to provide informed guidance and coaching (Episode 3, 4:50)
- Structuring the coaching program with a client (Episode 3, 7:20)
- Why session-by-session coaching is not effective and how you can explain it to a client (Episode 3, 9:20)
- Something you must never do when agreeing to coaching engagement (Episode 3, 10:50)
- Technology to use (Episode 3, 12:30)
- What people think helps but actually hurts the effectiveness of coaching sessions (Episode 3, 13:15)
- What adds value to coaching (Episode 3, 14:00) 


If you're a Legacy member, the full program (Parts 1, 2 and 3) is now available in your account on

Not a Legacy member yet? Enroll here: (scroll to membership options).

And if you want to be a co-author in the next book we are putting together with some of our outstanding senior clients, you can learn more and apply
here. This is the type of book that this client was a part of. Our signature books with selected senior clients. 

We’re committed to your success and are here to support you. Feel free to reach out with questions at

Thank you for being part of the StrategyTraining community.

Access New Program (Legacy Members)

P.S. If you are an Insider, you can upgrade to Legacy and come back to Insider WITHOUT losing Insider status. To upgrade, you can go to the Legacy section on, the system will offer an option to upgrade. The system will also automatically use any credit you have associated with your Insider account towards Legacy membership. As a Legacy member, you will not only unlock additional programs within the Legacy membership area but will be able to submit 2 questions per month and receive tailored input from Michael or me, taking into account the specifics you shared of your unique situation. That alone is worth a lot more than the cost of the upgrade. You can get personalized guidance twice a month. If, down the road, you want to switch back from Legacy to Insider, please email so we can ensure your Insider status is retained (provided there are no gaps in membership).

  in  đŸ”¶ general
September 28, 2024
‱ Edited (Sep 28, 2024)

We have just started the release of a new book, 251 Case Interview Quizzes: Test Your Readiness for McKinsey, BCG, Bain et al. (416 PAGES), exclusively available in the Strategy Control Room, Advanced Level. Part 1 of 3 was released.


How do you know if you are ready for a McKinsey, BCG, Bain et al. case interview?

Preparing for management consulting case interviews with McKinsey & Co, Bain & Co, The Boston Consulting Group, Deloitte S&O, EY-Parthenon, PWC Strategy&, and the like, is a long and difficult process. The advice in this book applies across all management consulting firms, with a particular focus on the major strategy firms.

Why did we write this book? Practicing just one case with a good practice partner can take up to 90 minutes, with 45 minutes for each applicant to solve a case and receive feedback. This often becomes tiring when this is usually the only way to test your case skills. Applicants can often burnout from practicing, trying to find good practice partners and scheduling practice sessions. In our experience, it helps to have case interview quizzes to self-test yourself. 

There are 251 quizzes in this book. Each quiz introduces a case or interview situation, and either presents options or multiple choice answers for the readers. The quizzes are divided into 3 parts and they should be completed in the order presented.

Part 1: Readiness Quiz: Take this quiz before you start practicing cases or submit your application. The quiz tests how well you know the industry, application process and case interviews. If you do poorly, it means you are not ready to reach out to the firms. In other words, if you reach out you may hurt your chances. Yet, don’t worry. Just relax and know that everyone starts from a weak base. With dedicated effort and careful planning, you will improve.

Part 2: Preparation Quizzes: Take these quizzes after you have started learning about case interviews and have practiced a few cases with case partners (or worked through the first few cases within The Consulting Offer, Season 1, with Felix). Though, you have not yet mastered cases and have time to fix problems. It’s easier to appreciate the advice in these quizzes once you have started practicing. Therefore, make sure you have started practicing before diving into these quizzes. These quizzes explain best practices for case interview preparation, which you can incorporate into your regimen. 

Part 3: Practice Quizzes: Take these quizzes when you believe you are ready to interview. In other words, you believe you have mastered cases. They are designed to push you to a higher level, explain advanced skills and introduce elegant solutions and frameworks that impress interviewers. These quizzes offer a realistic feel for cases, especially final-round cases with senior partners. Most final-round interviews are done by partners who will make the final decision. So it’s best to prepare for interviews with partners. It’s fine to celebrate passing the first or second round, but you must be ready for the partner round.


1. Log in to The Strategy Control Room, Advanced Level, membership area.
2. Click on the 3 dots in the upper-right corner.
3. Click on the "STRATEGY MANUALS" button.
4. Find and select "251 Case Interview Quizzes: Test Your Readiness for McKinsey, BCG, Bain et al. (416 PAGES)"

If you are The Strategy Control Room, Advanced Level, member, here is the direct link to these particular update.

If you joined an Advanced Level of the Strategy Control Room today, you would find the most powerful strategy, problem-solving, consulting, and results-oriented leadership reading library in the world. The resources include:

  • Michael's explanation slides for selected programs on

  • 12 full engagements

  • Change Management Influence & Persuasion Center of Excellence 

  • Detailed Business Case Methodology Center of Excellence 

  • Encyclopedia of Strategy Analyses Center of Excellence 

  • Corporate Training Center of Excellence

  • One-Week Immersion: Consulting Onboarding / Consulting Mastery Center of Excellence

  • 31 proposals

  • Flipcharts

  • Layout guides

  • 17 strategy and problem-solving books which we do not make available anywhere else

  • 2 brand new strategy and problem-solving books just released and not available anywhere else

  • 11 book drafts never before available and not available anywhere else

  • Case interview materials for Felix, Rafik, Samantha, and Sanjeev, case interview exhibits, case interview solutions

  • The evolution of corporate strategy

  • The business case toolkit

  • Implementation and operation toolkit

  • Corporate strategy toolkit

  • Strategy maps

  • And more 

Enroll as a Strategy Control Room Member

And if you are not yet an Insider or Legacy member and want to gain access to video and audio advanced programs on we invite you to explore membership options (scroll down). We recommend to start with Insider or Legacy membership as a base membership and add the Strategy Control Room (Advanced Level) as an add-on when the time is right for you.

Take this opportunity to invest in yourself and your future. resources can be transformative for your career, but it's up to you to make time to study the resources and focus on quick integration. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at

  in  đŸ”¶ general
October 06, 2024

This is the moment you step out from behind the corporate veil, find the partner who will help you build something extraordinary.

Imagine this...

You’re standing at the precipice of a new life. After years of climbing the corporate ladder, working 12+ hour days, being constantly on call, and barely having enough time to be with your family. After years of feeling scared that you will be laid off, seeing your friends losing their jobs, and always having this fear in your chest that you will be next. Feeling exhausted from having to navigate never-ending behind-the-doors politics, something you never mastered or don't truly care to get good at, you’re now quietly, finally, laying the groundwork to step out and launch something of your own.

And finally, be free.

The prospect of freedom and of being able to do the work you want to do is exhilarating.

But it’s also scary.

As any seasoned leader knows, no great business is built alone. And most new businesses fail pretty quickly.

You feel you need a partner. Someone to share the load when things get tough or if you need a sick day. Someone to challenge your ideas and bring theirs to the table. Someone to see your blind spots and not let you carry on for too long in the wrong direction.

Someone to help bring your vision to life.

But how do you find THE ONE?

Not just any business partner but the right business partner.

The one who will complement your strengths. The one who will not drain a business savings account over the weekend to escape the country. The one who will fill the gaps in your skill set and stand by your side when you are going through a rough patch.

The one who will have not only their best interests at heart, but also yours.

Finding a business partner is about far more than drafting an agreement or splitting equity. It’s about your ability to pick the right person and do your part to build the relationships.

The most successful partnerships aren’t born from convenience.

The most successful relationships are forged through shared values, trust, and having each other's best interests at heart.

In this program, we’ll guide you through the process of finding your business partner. You’ll discover what makes a successful partnership and the pitfalls to avoid. And, most importantly, "the place" where most long-term great business partners are found.

If going on your own is something you are planning and plotting, beyond the strategy and logic, there's something deeper driving you to go on your own.

A yearning to finally be free.

Free from the confines of the corporate world that, despite its rewards, has mostly left you with a feeling that you are NOT in the right place, with the right people, doing the right work. 

You want to finally build a life that allows you to do the work you want to do and be with people you want to be with and be at a place you want to be at 80% of the time, not 20% of the time.

Where every decision is an expression of you.

Where you don't have to make choices and decisions that make you sick to your stomach because this is what is expected or this is what your boss wants you to do.

Where finally, THERE IS NO BOSS.


There is just you, your work, your contribution.

A life where you mostly work on projects that fill you with energy, instead of draining it. A life where your work and who you are finally align.

This is the start of an adventure.

A high-stakes quest, where the prize is not just a successful business but the key to your personal freedom and to finally feeling that you are doing what you came here to do.

This is YOUR moment.

And we’re here to help you find the partner who will help you make that dream a reality.


If you're a Legacy member, Parts 1, 2, and 3 are now available in your account on

Not a Legacy member yet? Enroll here: (scroll to membership options).

We’re committed to your success and are here to support you. Feel free to reach out with questions at

Thank you for being part of the StrategyTraining community.

Access New Program (Legacy Members)

  in  đŸ”¶ general
October 11, 2024

Do you risk your relationship with the only family member who has always been on your side to...

Make a Stand for Your Truth

The second and final part of the new Legacy program, Why We Often Punish Our Greatest Supporter in Life, has been released, exclusively available to Legacy members on

Imagine this... you're a corporate leader, used to making tough decisions, managing people, and balancing priorities. But what happens when the real test of your leadership comes not from the boardroom but from the one place you least expect, your family?

One of our Legacy members faced such a dilemma, and it’s the kind of situation that stops you in your tracks and clouds your judgment.

After years of personal struggle, living a double life to keep the peace in a deeply conservative family, Josh (name changed to protect privacy) finally started to see a light.

Slowly, doors opened, bridges mended.

But just as things seemed to be improving, an unexpected challenge hit. One that shattered Josh's hopes for finally being accepted.

Josh's brother is getting married, which is generally a joyous occasion. But there's one glaring problem. The invitation, addressed only to Josh, excludes Josh's life partner of 13 years, the person with whom Josh shares every part of his life.

The reason?

A secret that could tear the family apart if revealed.

The stakes are high. Should he attend the wedding alone, once again hiding a critical part of who he is?

Or refuse the invitation, risking a final rift that could cut ties with his family forever?

Now, here’s the twist... 

The brother who has always stood by Josh, the only true ally in the family, supports this decision to keep things quiet.

The brother who convinced Josh's parents to reconnect with Josh after years of estrangement is asking for silence, all for the sake of keeping the peace on his wedding day.

So, what do you do?

Do you risk your relationship with the only family member who has always been on your side to stand for what you believe in?

Or do you stay silent and protect the fragile peace that has only just begun to form and hope that things will improve over time?

The same qualities that make great leaders successful are needed to handle this situation. And in this program, we will explore these questions and more, helping you steer the challenges of your career and the personal battles that shape your life.

Are you ready to tackle the most difficult questions you may ever face?


If you're a Legacy member, this program is now available in your account on

Not a Legacy member yet? Enroll here: (scroll to membership options).

We care about your success and are here to support you. Feel free to reach out with questions at

Thank you for being part of the StrategyTraining community.

Access New Program (Legacy Members)

P.S. If you are an Insider, you can upgrade to Legacy without losing your Insider status. Simply visit the Legacy section on, where any credits on your account will automatically apply to the upgrade. As a Legacy member, you'll unlock additional programs and can receive personalized guidance twice a month from Michael or me, tailored to your unique situation. If you ever wish to return to Insider, just email us to retain your status, provided your membership remains continuous.

  in  đŸ”¶ general
November 04, 2024

We have just released Part 4 of Executive Update 1 for the Corporate Strategy for Asset/Wealth Management Study in the Strategy Control Room, Advanced Level.


Every so often, we release a study that is so powerful, so fundamental, that if you take the time to read it multiple times and really understand what it was teaching and how it was teaching it, it will teach you a primary/core skill that will change your ability to operate as a seasoned professional with a deeply analytical mind.

This is one of those studies.

The study focuses on asset management within financial services, an area that is becoming increasingly important worldwide as income levels rise. In this study, we are going to analyze an asset manager that is growing at a slower rate than competitors in one of the most dynamic markets in the world. And because it is growing at a slower rate, it's ultimately losing market share.

In this study, we will present a way to analyze the distribution of a financial services product, which, with a few tweaks and changes, could be applied to the distribution of any financial services product, even though our primary focus here is on investment products for wealth management.

This is a study that we encourage everyone to read. Take the time to work through it. Think about how you could apply this thinking to your own sector, which may not be in financial services. It teaches a fundamental skill: how to analyze a market across all elements, all the way from asset management to distribution and administration. Whether or not you are in financial services or asset management, you are in an industry that produces something that you distribute.

The study is particularly interesting because it takes a very complicated subject and analyzes it in a sophisticated yet simple way to draw out very important analyses. It uses highly sophisticated frameworks developed for the client, and it pulls it apart in a way we have not yet applied in other studies.

This is one of those anchor studies like our study on Competition, the LAB Study, the Power Sector study, and the Tech M&A study. These are anchor studies because they teach foundational skills that we want our clients to master.

In this study, we tackle something incredibly sophisticated in an area where many people tend to be a little bit afraid. While most people are afraid of math and finance, when you analyze finances within the financial services sector, people tend to get even more intimidated. However, this is a topic that has become more important globally as the middle class has risen in most countries and the number of millionaires has increased.

So, this is a foundational study that we will be referring to for years to come. It teaches something so fundamental that every member should work through it. It teaches a skill of how to analyze a complex sector in a way that is easy to follow, even if you do not have a background in the sector.

Corporate Strategy for Asset/Wealth Management consists of 3 executive updates. 


1. Log in to The Strategy Control Room, Advanced Level, membership area.
2. See the "FULL ENGAGEMENTS" dropdown. 
3. Select "Corporate Strategy for Asset/Wealth Management."
4. The Corporate Strategy for Asset/Wealth Management consists of 115 slides for the first to fourth part of Executive Update 1.

If you are The Strategy Control Room, Advanced Level, member, here is the direct link to these particular update.

If you joined an Advanced Level of the Strategy Control Room today, you would find the most powerful strategy, problem-solving, consulting, and results-oriented leadership reading library in the world. The resources include:

  • Michael's explanation slides for selected programs on

  • 12 full engagements

  • Change Management Influence & Persuasion Center of Excellence 

  • Detailed Business Case Methodology Center of Excellence 

  • Encyclopedia of Strategy Analyses Center of Excellence 

  • Corporate Training Center of Excellence

  • One-Week Immersion: Consulting Onboarding / Consulting Mastery Center of Excellence

  • 31 proposals

  • Flipcharts

  • Layout guides

  • 17 strategy and problem-solving books which we do not make available anywhere else

  • 2 brand new strategy and problem-solving books just released and not available anywhere else

  • 11 book drafts never before available and not available anywhere else

  • Case interview materials for Felix, Rafik, Samantha, and Sanjeev, case interview exhibits, case interview solutions

  • The evolution of corporate strategy

  • The business case toolkit

  • Implementation and operation toolkit

  • Corporate strategy toolkit

  • Strategy maps

  • And more 

Enroll as a Strategy Control Room Member

And if you are not yet an Insider or Legacy member and want to gain access to video and audio advanced programs on we invite you to explore membership options (scroll down). We recommend to start with Insider or Legacy membership as a base membership and add the Strategy Control Room (Advanced Level) as an add-on when the time is right for you.

Take this opportunity to invest in yourself and your future. resources can be transformative for your career, but it's up to you to make time to study the resources and focus on quick integration. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at